
Creating a website

Nowadays I really have my days brimming with work, work, work and more work. Every single minute of my free time is relegated to work. No, it's not only my day job but also my freelance work and now, my website.

I realized that concentrating on only one source of income, albeit freelancing, will not work in the long run as I may not be able to get projects all the time so I need something to generate income. After reading through countless internet guru's advices and sites, I arrived to the conclusion that having my own website may just help me to earn some stable income. No, this is not another get rich quick scheme. More like an online business scheme.

That is why I have been neglecting this blog and not reading other blogs. I have been too busy completing my freelance projects and creating my own website and researching for the content. It is no simple task and definitely not a get rich quick scheme as I've been at it for almost two weeks now and though I am not earning anything yet (because the website is yet to be completed) I am more than convinced that it may work after all.

I have chosen to start a website through Site Build It! which I feel is the right choice as there was a complete set of guides and instructions and support for me to learn the basics and know-how of creating a great website, generating traffic and ultimately earning income via adsense, affiliate programs or even sale of actual products or services. It is thanks to Site Build It! that I learned the basics of SEO and keywords.

Unfortunately, my days are already so full that finding time for my website is difficult and it is because of this that it is still a work in progress. So far, I only have four pages up and a million more to go...uhhh..well, okay, not exactly a million but it seemed like it due to the shortage of time!

I am not aiming to earn my first million within six months or anything from the website but more of using it to unload my fascination and long-term affair with chocolates (In future, I will be blogging there about chocolates since the site is all about chocolates!). Whilst indulging in my favorite pastime of placing chocolate on a pedestal, it doesn't hurt to earn some income from it, right?

Anyway, to cut a long story short (since I should not be writing this now when I have a gadzillion other things to do), I find that there are many legitimate options to earn money on the net either through freelancing or our own websites. We just have to learn to weed out the fakes from the real diamonds.

1 comment:

Joana Leighmoore said...

Try going with the trend first. Explore a niche that you can talk about in an elaborate way and, at the same time, make it interesting to the others who are into that same niche. If you're going to talk about viral videos, try looking for TheFineBros on Youtube and watch their Kids React series.