As a writer or author, we are pretty dependent on our muse to get the writing juices flowing and the ideas tumbling out like an endless waterfall.
So, what exactly is a muse? Contrary to what people would like to believe, especially in fantasy fiction, a muse could be anything and need not necessarily be a mysterious invisible being sitting next to you, injecting creativity and flair to your subconscious as you write.
Granted, it is a pretty good idea. Imagine, we just need to have this lucky Muse sitting next to us and we'd soon be tapping out the next Big Thing and be the next bestselling author. However, in real life, it does not work that way.
Nope. We, mere mortals, will have to depend on our own wits and ideas to find our own Muse. Or to create one, if need be.
A muse could be anything. It could be a watercolour painting your child drew for you. Or the overstuffed, comfy armchair in the den. Or the breathtaking scenery from your picture window. Or even the soothing tones of classical music. Anything at all.
You see, a muse's main responsibility is to give you inspiration. To keep your fingers tapping, your brains busy churning out beautifully creative ideas, for articles or books or blogs. Whichever area of writing that you need to get done!
A muse will come in handy to
get rid of your writer's block and yes, it will definitely get your creative juices going in a jiffy. So, how do you know which item (or person, for that matter) is your muse?
Well, you don't. Sometimes your computer may very well be your muse but you didn't notice. So, you will really need to open up and build an awareness of your surroundings and things around you.
The best way to find out is when you reach one of your writer's block episodes and then move around, try various methods and trust me, you will soon find your muse and the block will be long gone!
Happy writing and may the muse be with you. ;-)